What Are the Signs of An Incomplete Abortion?


 Although rare, incomplete abortion is a possible complication following an abortion procedure that you should know about before making your next medical steps. Incomplete abortion can result from either method of abortion, either the abortion pill (medical abortion) or a surgical abortion (the in-clinic procedure).

Think you might be pregnant and considering abortion? Make sure you know all the facts first to prioritize your health and safety. You deserve the best healthcare and need to know what to look for and what might put you at risk for incomplete abortion.

So What is Incomplete Abortion?

Generally what it sounds like – incomplete abortion occurs when a pregnancy is no longer viable (or progressing) following an abortion procedure, but there is still tissue left in the uterus that could cause further complications or infection.

While this can potentially occur after either form of abortion method, it may be of greater concern to women who take the abortion pill without confirming how far along in pregnancy they are first with the assistance of a medical professional. Taking the abortion pill too late in pregnancy – past the FDA-recommended timeframe of 10 weeks gestational age – could put women at increased risk of incomplete abortion.

Subsequently, those who order the abortion pill online – without confirming the gestational age of their pregnancy with a medical professional in person – might be unknowingly putting themselves at risk of incomplete abortion. The best way to prioritize your health and protect from the potential of incomplete abortion is to seek professional medical care through an ultrasound exam.

Common Symptoms of Incomplete Abortion

You might be experiencing an incomplete abortion if you recognize the following symptoms (as quoted by the National Institutes of Health):

  • Moderate to severe vaginal bleeding and passing of clots
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain that may spread to other locations
  • Fever (which may be a sign of infection that requires immediate intervention)

Although rare, cervical shock could also result from incomplete abortion, a complication that causes low heart rate and low blood pressure.

What if I Had an Abortion and I'm Having These Symptoms?

Had an abortion recently or took the abortion pill and recognized these symptoms?

We urge you to seek emergency medical care right away at your nearest emergency room. Delaying getting treatment for this complication could be dangerous and put you at further risk.

Treatments for incomplete abortion may vary depending on each unique medical situation. In some cases, a single additional dose of misoprostol could resolve the issue and cause the uterus to cramp and expel the remaining tissue or fetal remains. However, in more severe cases, a surgical procedure may be necessary.

I'm Considering Abortion: What Do I Need to Know First?

If you are considering abortion, you'll want to know all the facts about your unique pregnancy situation first before making your next steps.

At Choices Options for Women, our professional medical team can help you learn how far along you are in your pregnancy – and what options are available to you – through a free ultrasound exam. This vital medical care can also help answer other questions that protect your health, such as if other medical complications (like ectopic pregnancy) are a concern for you.

You are not alone on this pregnancy decision journey. Schedule your free appointment today to put your health first and get your questions answered. 

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?


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